Krismar 2-horse

single cabin | stallion version

In need for wheels? Need for Wheels has got you covered!

Need for Wheels is a loyal Krismar customer, offering rentals of our popular 2-horse vans. In addition to their existing range of mobile homes, Krismar 2-horse camionettes and horse trailers, they have now added this 2-horse stallion version to their rental fleet.

To enhance their services, Need for Wheels has expanded, alongside their existing rental location in Wuustwezel, with a new rental location in Utrecht, The Netherlands. This expansion ensures even wider availability for equestrians who want to hit the road with a luxurious Krismar 2-horse van!

Whether you wish to rent a Krismar 2-horse or Krismar horse trailer for a short or longer period of time, we kindly invite you to contact Need for Wheels. They will provide you with all the information you need.

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